Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MacBook Pro

Hey guys so a few weeks ago on September 2nd I got a MacBook Pro for my birthday. This is my first laptop and was extremely excited when it came. First I will start of with the specs then I will move to my personal opinions and then some photos and video.

First for the specs I got the 13.3 inch 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro. It has the full aluminum enclosure. It has the backlit keyboard and a built in trackpad. For a processor chip it has a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo chip. There is also 4GB of DDR3 ram also know as memory. For a hard drive there is a standard 250GB 5400 rpm hard drive. There is also a slot loading optical drive for both CDs and DVDs. For a graphics card there is a NVIDA GeForce 320 graphics card with it's own 256MB of DDR3 ram. For all things video there is a mini display port which lets you output signal for a second monitor. This supports many different formats but all which require an adapter other than the LED Cinema Display. You can also find Apple's iSight camera. This is a 13.3in glossy display with a resolution of 1280 x 800. Again this is LED backlit. For ports you will find a FireWire 800 port, two USB 2.0 ports, and a SD card slot reader. In the audio department it does have a built in mic along with speakers. There is also a line in and line out 3.5 millimeter jack on the side. There two are put into one port for space saving reasons. There is an ethernet jack for wired internet. You can also connect to wireless though 802.114n and earlier version of Wi-Fi. That include B andG and others. There is also 2.1 Bluetooth connectivity for sending files from a computer to computer or computer to phone if they connect. There is a ten hour battery built into this computer for long work hours with out being tethered to a wall outlet. This does have a 60W power supply. This connects to the computer by magnet so that it will just pop out if something happens and won't brake either the computer or the power supply. The computer is extremely thin and light weight at only 4.5 pounds. It is also just .95 inches tall. This like most other Apple products follows the going green method by meeting all the requirements of a green device. All this and other specs can be found at www.apple.com/macbookpro

Now for my opinion of the computer. This is my first computer ever and let me start of by saying I am not disappointed by it. The computer runs extremely smoothly and I have rarely experienced any issues with applications. During the times that I do have applications fail they are usually third party applications. I have noticed some lag if running multiple applications and then launching Final Cut and trying t use that but that would be expected due to the fact that it only has a Core 2 Duo and 2.26GHz of processing power. Rendering video on the computer isn't bad it only takes about 20- 30 minutes depending on the size and quality. Also while playing both savage 2 and warsow I have experienced absolutely no graphics errors and they run very nicely. For the battery life it is amazing. If I am just checking me email or browsing the internet it will last hours without having to be plugged in. With no wireless on and just typing or even listening to music the battery lasts even longer. I have clocked the battery length at very close to ten hours. The display looks great and blows away my external monitor. The screen becomes very bright and just looks amazing. The backlit keyboard is a nice addition. It makes typing in the dark or even just working in low light situations great. The chick let style keyboard is nice any easy to type on. It also spaces out the keys nicely for easier and in my case faster typing. The built in iSight and microphone are OK and can be used for chatting with friends with no problem but if you plan to record video that looks good I do recommend something a little bit nicer. There are only a few minor issues I have come to notice about the computer. The first is that like on any computer he does get a little hot where the battery and power plug are but that is normal. This only really happens when you are on a sheet like surface but can happen while at a desk. One way to fix this is to cool down what you are doing and let it sit. You can also give the computer some more room to vent and let all the hot air out. Another issue that may be pretty big to others but not me because i just used an old hub that I had but there is only two USB ports on the side of the computer. The only other issue I have found with the computer is that instead of having separate headphone and mic ports they are shred on this computer. This isn't that big of a deal right now for me as I have never had to use a mic and pair of headphones at the same time. One way to get around this is to have one the the devices USB. Those are the only cons that I have found so far. Overall this computer is amazing and will meet the needs of most people that need a laptop. I do recommend this to anyone who wants a lower end Mac but doesn't want to loose the aluminum look or the power it has over the usual MacBook.

Here is my video review of the MacBook Pro: I did miss a few things so read the text for a more in-depth look at the computer. I had problems uploading it directly to to blog so here is a link to the video on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2caRh2G2KoU

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